Symptoms: Backpain, partial paralysis
Treatment: Veterinary Acupuncture, Veterinary Laser Therapy
Testimonial by: Steph W.
Casey is a 10 year old Dachshund with a long history of IVDD (herniated discs) that paralyzed his back end twice – once around age 6 and again around age 9 1/2. We’ve been able to treat both conservatively. After fully recovering from his first incident (which was also treated with acupuncture), we moved to Austin and he had his second IVDD incident. Since Casey had responded so well to acupuncture in the past, we began looking in the area for someone who was able to do something similar. After finding Dr. Lee, we immediately contacted her and began IN HOME acupuncture and laser therapy treatments (Casey becomes incredibly anxious when we visit the Vet’s office, so having a mobile option is WONDERFUL!).
When we first began seeing Dr. Lee, Casey’s back end was completely paralyzed except for some deep pain sensation and bladder control. After only a few treatments we saw results (pain relief and the slow, but sure, return of mobility)! Nowadays Casey is able to walk and run independently (for the most part), roll around on his back, and generally be his usual goofy self.
The amount of good that comes out of these treatments for Casey is fantastic, and we continue to call Dr. Lee for help whenever he tweaks his back or has any pain.
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