Hunter was fairly immobile when we first started treating her.
See Hunter after her final Treatment!
Symptoms: Severe neck and back pain, immobility
Treatment: Veterinary Acupuncture, Animal Chiropractic, Veterinary Rehabilitation
Dr. Lee’s notes:
Hunter came to me for a treatment for severe neck and back pain. She had previously been treated with pain medications and muscle relaxers and twice weekly laser treatments and unfortunately was not improving on these conventional treatments and was recommended by their regular veterinarian to go to a veterinary surgeon as her symptoms had worsened despite treatment .
At this time, the owners elected to try veterinary acupuncture, animal chiropractic and veterinary rehabilitation. At her first examination/treatment she was barely moving around and hunched over and painful. A week after her first treatment she was moving around much better and not as painful afterwards. I saw her for her second and final treatment after about 2 weeks.
This was a completely different dog!
She ran to the door to see me and was rolling on her her back happily wanting a belly rub. I was able to see her a few weeks after her second final treatment and she was doing very well. We were all delighted to see her doing so well.
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